Stefanus Pratama Adhi Prabowo
Program Studi
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Tanggal Penetapan
Judul Skripsi
Sistem Informasi Pengolahan Nilai Online Berbasis Website Pada Bimbingan Belajar Galileone Purwokerto
Galileone is a tutoring institution established with the aim to provide additional study guidance for students in Purwokerto. Processing and distribution of scores in Galileone is not efficient, because it still uses a conservative system and recapitulated by Microsoft Excel which is still prone to data loss and damaged. To overcome these problems, Galileone needs an online score processing information system with the aim to facilitating the process of inputting and distributing scores from teacher to students and parents. The method used to build the system is a prototype with communication steps, quick plans, quick design modeling, construction of prototypes and delivery and feedback deployments. The system was created using the PHP programming language and MySql database. System is analyzed using White Box, Black Box, normality, hypothesis, validity, reliability and benefit tests. The number of respondents for this study amounted to 44 people. The results of these tests are the time difference with an average yield of 22,603 minutes before using the system and 8,7005 minutes after using the system. The results of the benefit test produce the highest average value which is indicated by the efficiency aspect with a value of 93.17%. The results concluded that the system created can improve time efficiency in the process of inputting and distributing scores. The system results obtained are Website-based Online Value Processing Information System.